
 Sorghum bicolour (L) Moench, Sorghum Vulgare Pers

Family : Poaceae (Graminae)

Common name : Jowar, Milo, Jondhalav

Source : Grains or seeds. The dried stem and leaves as fodder.c

Sorghum species are major cereals of semi-arid and tropics. It forms one of the important staple foods for the major population of Asia and Africa. The genus Sorghum includes more than 40 widly cultivated grasses. Sorghum has been reported to be in cultivation in Egypt before 2000 B.C. The Sorghums are believed to have originated in Africa and Asia. Sorghum was also cultivated in India and China in anciet days. The most of the investigators believe that the cultivated sorghums have originated from the perennial Johnson grass (S. halepensis ) Sudan grass (S. vulgare var sudanesis) this important crop is cultivated in America, India, Pakistan, china, U.S.S.R and European countries.


    Sorghum bicolor and sorghum vulgare are most cultivated species of jowar. The plant body fo Sorghum is an upright short day summer annual. The height of the plant body varies from 3 to 15 feet in different varieties.

The stems or culms of jowar are cylindrical and pointed. This rigid stem shows or culms of jowar are clindrical and pointed. This rigid stem shows distincgt nodes and internodes. The number of nodes varies in different varieties. The thickness  of the stem is about one inch. The foliage leaves vary in different varieties. The leaves are dark , green ,long ,flat,hairy with sheathing leaf base .leaf are long with margins . legule  membranous  and  fringed. The inflorescence is a loose or comoact panicle of short few flowers recomes. It is known as head vary in great deal in size, shape, from adn colour. The panicle is composed of numerous spikelets which usually \occur in pairs, one is sessile and other pedicellate.

        The sessile spikelet has two floers one fertile other serile. Generally one grain is formed form fertile spikelet. the head bears \very small, rounded, or globular or pear-shaped grains. The grains may be reddish b rown, yelow red or yellow-white in colour depending upon the species. a well developed panicle may contain about 2000 seeds.

Areas of Cultivation in India

    Sorghum is grown in India in a wide range of soilds. It forms a main staple food crop. In India it is grown mostly as a dry kharif crop. Similarly it is also grown as Rabbu crop and crop rotaition crop (Jowar-Gram) In India Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra pradesh, Madhya pradesh   , Gujrat , Tamil nadu and  Uttar Pradesh are the princial jowar growing areas.,   

  In India 7700,000 hectares of land is under jowar crop which produces 7240,000 metric tonnes of grains.


Varieties under Cultivation

    A of wide range of variability is exhibited by indian  Sorghums with respect to duration and grain quality. A good local selection as well as hybrids are grown for jowar in respective states. They include Nandyal, Guntur, Ankapalle (Andhra Pradesh), Saoneer, Aispuri, Maldandi, dayadi (Maharashtra) Hagari Fulagar white, Yenigar (KARNATAKA) Gwailior and indore (Madhya Pradesh), Budhperio and sundhiua (Gujarat), are commonly grown. The co-ordinated Sorghum breeding programme yielded different hybrids namely CSH, CSH2... CSH8, CSV to  CSV7, SPV 245, SPV 462, K Jall, CSH 12R, Swarna etc are widely grown in india.

Sowing time - 

In India 2 times in year this crop is produced. for complete growth this crop takes  100-140 days depending on varities. popular Sowing time in kharif season which starts in june and july and ends in october. In some ares this crop is used to cultivate in rabbi season also, like Maharashtra.

Economic Importance

1. Sorghum is mainly cultivated for its grains, which are used as a staple food for the animals and human beings.

2. The sweet sorghums are grown for foliage used for calltes.

3. the plant stalks, green or dry, provides a good nujtritious fodder for catteles. The stalks are usually cut into pieces before being used as fodder for cattle

4. The grains of jowar are highly nutritious. they are used in the farm of bread or roti or bhakari or sweets because they contain more proteins (9%) and starch.

5. The sorghum malt is prepared from germinating grains and in China it is fermented to produce quality, famous liquor.

6. In western countries like Australia, USA the soraghum grains are used as food for livestock feed.

7. The sweet sorghum varieties are used to produce ethanol, whisky, beer etc products by fementation.

8. Sorghum oil is used to produce hydrogenated products.

9. Sorghum grains serve as substitute fro wheat, rye in preparation of gluten free recipies and products.

10. The jowar grains are cooked with rice or its flour is used to make various food stuff.


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