Wheat plant
Botanical name : Triticum aestivum Livn
Family : Poaceae ( Graminae)
Common name : Bread wheat, Gahu, Gahun
Source : Grains or seeds, The dried stemsand leaves as fodder.
Wheat is one of the most important staple food crop the extensively grown throughout the world. Wheat is the prime gift of the old world to the new world. The earliest known wheat was perhaps emmer wheat, domesticated wheat which dates approximately 7500-6500 B.C. The oldest known remains of wheat discovered are the carbonized grains of domesticated wheat discovered are the carbonized grains of the mild, brittle diploidc wheat Tritium monococcum var boetcum. The evidenc indicates that wheat is originated in south western Asia. The American workers states that the origins of wheat might be Syhria and Palestine. Vavilov believed that, north western portion of Indian subcontinent and adjoining region of afghasnisthan was the centre of origin of common bread wheat Triticum aestivum.
The wild tetraploid emmer relative (Triticum turgidum) have given rise to modern cultivated species of tetraploid and hexaploid wheats. Tritucum aestivum was introduced into Mexico in 1529 and into Australia in 1788 by Spanish travellers. Today wheat is the world's most widely cultivated crop. It has about 17000 varieties and grown in all the countris except Antartica.
the plant body is an annual grass growing upto the height of 2 to 5 feet and life span about 6 months. The branches produced by the plant are caled tillers. the roots are fibrous. The plant is erect with elastic cylindrical weak stem. the leaves are green, flat, linear-lanceolate, acuminate adn ligulate, sheaths smooth. the infloresence or the ears of wheat is an erect, terminal, compact spike. The spike conststs of 15-20 solitary spikelets borne alternately on the rachis The spikelet consists of bisexual flowerws enclosed by a pair of glume. The mature grain is a one seeded fruit caryposis having fused seed coak with ericrap. The fruit in greyish red, off - red in colour, oblong adn ventrally grooved. The grained contain starchy endosperm and an embryo.
Areas of Cultivation in India
Wheat is rabbi season crop. The sowing is done in octobeer to November month and harvesting is done from Febrary to April moths Wheat constitutes the major cereal crop of central and north-west population of India. Joshi 1961 has divided wheat growing aras of India into five principal zones namely The North Hills Zones, The Northern Plain Zone, the Eastern Plain Zone, the Cetral Zone and the peninsular Zone, these 5 zones mainly cultivate wheat species name Triticum aestivum, T. duran, T. dicoccum. the main wheat producing states in India are Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madya Pradesh. Similary wheat is also cultivated in Bihar, Himachal Pradesh Bengal, Odisha, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamilnadu. the total area under cultivation of wheat is 298 lakh hectares adn production is about 800 lakh tonnes due to gren revolution. In india average yield varies 12 to 14 quintals / hectare.
Economic Importance
1. The wheat grains serve as a staple food in most parts of the world.
2. The wheat grains are highly nutritious. They contain starch (60%-70%), protein 8-15 %, many amino acids, low fat 1-2 % , Minerals 1-2 % , and vitamins like B-complex and Vitamine E, Due to these factors it formed a staple food of over one-third of world population.
3. The grains are grooud into a flour called aata or soji. It is used in preparation of roti
4. The wheat flour is used for making bread, fermented food like pasta, cakes biscuits etc. due to high gluten it is commonly used for roti and breads.
5. The seeds can also be sprouted and then added to salads or juiced to make a healthy drink. This is very useful in general disorders of health.
6. The wheat grains contain higher starch. It is employed in preparation of beer and other fermented alcoholic beverages as well as alcohol.
7. The wheat starch acts as a readlily available, palatable supplementary feet to cattles as it supplies protein and minerals.The barn is high grade animal feed.
8. Wheat straw is used seating chairs, stuffig mattresses and in the manujfacture of strew carpets, hats, baskets etc.
9. The straw is used as biomass fuel in rutal India. It is used for thatching, mulch in the gardens and packing material.
10. The young straws of wheat are used in the tratment of billousness, intoxication and to remove skin blemishes.
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