
Showing posts from October, 2020


 BOTANICAL NAME - Oriza sativa L FAMILY : Poaceae (Gramineae) CHROMOZOME NO : 2n=24 (Diploid) Monocot  Self pillinated  Fibrous root Annual grass Semi aquatic plant Plants are about 1m tall ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE Rice is primarily a high energy food Rice production total 600 million tones in world India has the world largest area covering 45 million hectares with total production of 84 million tones annually. Rice grain contain carbohydrates, chiefly starch ( up to 75% ), little protein (about 7.5%) 2.2% fat, 0.8 celulose and 5.9 % Rice starch and protein (95.5%) is higher than other cereal grains. It is also a rich source of number of vitamins and minerals like vitamin D, fibre, niacin, thiamin, iron, etc. By product of rice i.e. Rice brain contain about 18 - 20 % oil which is rich source of protein and vitamins. Rice tain oil is used for cooking. HISTORY AND ORIGIN          Rice has been cultivated since ancient times. this supported by archaeologi...


introduction  Bryophytes include one of the most important group of cryptogams. his group is intermediate in between 1hallophytes and Piendophytes. hese plants generally grow in moist, shady places. The species of bryophytes occur in diverse habitats. They are terrestrial, aquatic Species OT phagnum, Riela), epiphytic on tree barks (Mosses, Denaroceros) nd some are saprophytic (Bunbaumia minakate, B. apnyita, COptothalus mirabilis). There are about 980 genera and more than 24,000 Species of bryophytes found in world. All bryophytes requires water 1or ne process of fertilization, indicating incomplete adaptations for land habits and therefore, they are considered as "Plant amphibians" The main plant body represents the gametophytic phase and it 1s independent, green and branched. The sporophyte is totally dependent upon gametophvte. The premitive bryophytes are prostrate thalloid, while evolved Torms show erect plant body with main axis (stem) and lateral appendages (leaves). ...


 Sargassum Systematic Position : Division : Phaeophyta Class : Cyclospoae Order : Fucales Family : Sargassaceae Genus : Sargassum This genus comprise more than 150 species which are chiefly distributed in tropical and sub tropical seas of the Southern hemisphere. they are found in the form of huge floating masses in the Atlantic Ocean, hence this part of ocean is called Sargasso Sea . In India, this genus in represented by 16 species, which are found along the Western and Southern coasts. On the Western coast it is found at Okha, Dwarka, Mumbai Porbandar, Karwar, Mangalore and Malven, while on Southrn coasts it is available at pamban, Krusadai and Tuticorin, Sargassum is the most common marine brown alga of indian  ocean. The common India specient are Sargassum carpophyllum and S. plagiophyllum. Thallus Organisation External Morphology          The plant body is sporophytic and diploid in genetic constitution. It is differentiated into main axis and ho...

Groundnut plant

  Botanical name : Arachis hypogaea linn. Family ; leguminose (sub-family : Papolinaceae) or Family : Faaceae Common English name : Bhuimug, shengdana Source : (for vegetable oil) Seeds Plants          South America is the center of origin of groundunt. From Brazil in South America, the crop spread to West indies, Peru and Africa. In India it is introduced by Protugese travellers, from Africa. Morphology          Herbaceous annual, with bectrial nodules on the lateral branches of the tap root system, stem cylidrical, hairy, leaves pinnate with two pair of leaflets, flowers axillary yellow, the fertilized ovary after entering into soil develops into a pod, which is with one to five seeds each seed with two thick cotyledons; the shell of the pod consists of outer spongy layer, middle hard and woody layer and thin papery layer.          Groundnut is an important ratation crop of the Kharif season. In requires ...


 Botanical name : Helianthus annuus linn. Family : Asteraceae (Compositae) Vernacular name : Surya-phul, suraj-mukhi.          Sunflower is native of Mexico and Peru. It was introduced into Europe towards the end of 16th century. In recent years Sunflower seed oil has been playing an impoprtant role in the worlds fat, oil industry. It has come to acquire third position among edible, soap and vegetable oils, traded in international markets. Botanical description          The sunflower plant is a coarse tall annual. It possess herbaceous stem, and is covered with rough hairs. It is 1.5 to 3.0 metres in height.          The leaves are large, ovate or cordate dark green. They are simple alternate and exstipulate. The inflorence is head or capitulum borne in terminal position. the inflorescence bears two types of florets tubluar, bisexual disc florets and peripheral, ligulate florets        ...

chick pea (Bengal gram)

 Botanical name : Cicer arietinum Linn Family : Leguminosae, Sub-family : Papilionaceae (Fam : Fabaceae) Common English name : Chick pea, Bengal gram, Gram Common Vernacular name : Chana, Harbhara Source : seeds          The Plant is extensively cultivated but not found in wild state in india. The species is introduced in india.  It is considered to have originated in the region  ling between caucasus and himalaya mountains. from this region it has spread into southern euroe, Egypt and  India          General Characgter :cicer is a genius with 24 species of annual herbs distributed mostly in western Asia .two species are found in india and out of thease ,cicer arietinum is important and cultivated all over india as a pulse crop. Marphology :          Cicer arietinum is an erect and spreading much branched 'annual herb ,about 1to 2 feet high , with pinnetly compound leaves ,having small ovel le...

Wheat plant

 Botanical name : Triticum aestivum Livn Family : Poaceae ( Graminae)  Common name : Bread wheat, Gahu, Gahun Source : Grains or seeds, The dried stemsand leaves as fodder.     Wheat is one of the most important staple food crop the extensively grown throughout the world. Wheat is the prime gift of the old world to the new world. The earliest known wheat was perhaps emmer wheat, domesticated wheat which dates approximately 7500-6500 B.C. The oldest known remains of wheat discovered are the carbonized grains of domesticated wheat discovered are the carbonized grains of the mild, brittle diploidc wheat Tritium monococcum var boetcum. The evidenc indicates that wheat is originated in south western Asia. The American workers states that the origins of wheat might be Syhria and Palestine. Vavilov believed that, north western portion of Indian  subcontinent and adjoining region of afghasnisthan was the centre of origin of common bread wheat Triticum aestivum. The wild...


 Sorghum bicolour (L) Moench, Sorghum Vulgare Pers Family : Poaceae (Graminae) Common name : Jowar, Milo, Jondhalav Source : Grains or seeds. The dried stem and leaves as fodder.c Sorghum species are major cereals of semi-arid and tropics. It forms one of the important staple foods for the major population of Asia and Africa. The genus Sorghum includes more than 40 widly cultivated grasses. Sorghum has been reported to be in cultivation in Egypt before 2000 B.C. The Sorghums are believed to have originated in Africa and Asia. Sorghum was also cultivated in India and China in anciet days. The most of the investigators believe that the cultivated sorghums have originated from the perennial Johnson grass (S. halepensis ) Sudan grass (S. vulgare var sudanesis) this important crop is cultivated in America, India, Pakistan, china, U.S.S.R and European countries. Morphology     Sorghum bicolor and sorghum vulgare are most cultivated species of jowar. The plant body fo Sorghum is...
